36 Inch Lace Front Wigs for All Skin Tones: Finding the Perfect Match

36 Inch Lace Front Wigs for All Skin Tones: Finding the Perfect Match

As someone who loves experimenting with different hairstyles and looks, I've always been fascinated by lace front wigs. And when it comes to finding the perfect match for my skin tone,36 inch lace front wigs have been my go-to choice. In this article, I'll be sharing my personal experience with 36 inch lace front wigs and how I found the perfect match for my skin tone.

What Are 36 Inch Lace Front Wigs?

Let's start by discussing what lace front wigs are and their appeal. A sheer lace strip at the front of the wig, known as a lace front, gives the appearance of a natural-looking hairline. Since you can style them in a multitude of ways while maintaining a natural-looking hairline, this makes them highly adaptable. Additionally available in a range of lengths, hues, and textures, lace front wigs are ideal for every situation.

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So why 36 inch wigs? Well, for starters, they're long enough to create a dramatic and eye-catching look, while still being manageable enough for everyday wear. They're also incredibly versatile, as you can style them in a variety of ways, from sleek and straight to curly and voluminous.

Why 36 Inch Lace Front Wigs?

I first came across 36 inch lace front wigs online when looking for a new hairdo that would stand out. Although I had always preferred long, flowing hair, I wasn't willing to make the time commitment to let my hair grow for several months. I then discovered 36 inch lace front wigs, which were the ideal option. Without having to go through the effort of growing my hair out, I could have the length I desired.

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I quickly realized that 36 inch lace front wigs were not only great for their length but also their versatility. I could style them in a variety of ways, from sleek and straight to curly and voluminous, and still have a natural-looking hairline. And with so many different colors and textures to choose from, I knew I could find the perfect match for my skin tone.

Finding the Perfect Match for Your Skin Tone

Finding the ideal match for your skin tone can be challenging, particularly if you've never worn a wig before or if your skin tone is unusually different. But don't worry, whether you're looking for a lace front wig, box braid wig, or any other sort of wig, you can find the ideal match for your skin tone with a little investigation and trial and error.

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Determining Your Skin Tone

The first step in finding the perfect match for your skin tone is determining what your skin tone is. Skin tone is determined by the amount of melanin in your skin, which affects the color of your skin. There are generally six different skin tone categories: fair, light, medium, olive, brown, and dark.

Determining your skin tone can be done in a few ways. One of the easiest ways is to look at the veins on your wrist. If your veins appear blue, you likely have a cool skin tone. If your veins appear green, you likely have a warm skin tone. If you can't tell whether your veins are blue or green, you likely have a neutral skin tone.

Examining your skin's undertones is another approach to figure out your skin tone. Your skin's undertones, which can be warm, cold, or neutral in color, are the hues that are hidden beneath the epidermis. Cool undertones are pink, red, or blue, whereas warm undertones are yellow, peach, or gold. Warm and cool undertones are combined to create neutral undertones.

Choosing the Right Color

Once you've determined your skin tone, you can start looking for lace front wigs that will match your skin tone. This can be tricky, as many wigs come with preset colors that may not perfectly match your skin tone. However, many wig companies offer custom color matching services that can help you find the perfect color match for your skin tone. If you're specifically looking for a braided wig, consider trying the popular criss cross braids style, which can add a unique touch to your look while still matching your skin tone.

There are a few considerations you should make while picking the color of your lace front wig. Think about your skin's undertones first. Choose warm colors, like as auburn or golden brown, if you have warm undertones. If you have cool undertones, go for cold colors like cool brown or ash blonde. You can often wear any hue if you have neutral undertones.

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The lighting in which you'll be wearing your lace front wig is another factor to take into account when choosing a color for it. You should pick a color for your wig that seems natural in sunlight if you plan to wear it outside. If you plan to wear your wig indoors, you should pick a shade that appears natural under artificial lighting.

Considering Texture

When choosing a lace front wig, you'll also want to consider the texture of the wig. If your natural hair is curly or wavy, you may want to choose a wig with a similar texture. If your natural hair is straight, you may want to choose a straight wig. However, keep in mind that you can always use heat tools (like curling irons or straightening irons) or styling products (like hair gel or pomade) to change the texture of your wig.

Shopping for a Lace Front Wig

It's time to go shopping now that you know what to look for in a lace front wig. Do your homework to identify the wig provider that gives the best match for your skin tone among the various wig providers that offer a choice of colors and textures.

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When shopping for a lace front wig, it's important to keep in mind that quality matters. While there are many affordable wigs on the market, they may not be as durable or natural-looking as higher quality wigs. Invest in a high-quality wig that will last for years and look natural.

Wearing and Styling Your Lace Front Wig

Once you've found the perfect lace front wig for your skin tone, it's time to wear and style it. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Make sure your wig is properly secured to your head. You can use wig glue, wig tape, or wig clips to secure your wig.

Style your wig using heat tools or styling products to achieve the look you want.

Take care of your wig by washing it regularly, storing it properly, and protecting it from damage.


In conclusion, choosing the ideal 36 inch lace front wig for your skin tone can be challenging, but with a little investigation and trial and error, you can find the ideal fit. When selecting a lace front wig, take into consideration your skin tone, undertones, lighting, and texture. Invest in a long-lasting, realistic-looking high-quality wig. Above all, enjoy experimenting with various appearances and fashions!

If you're looking for high-quality braided wigs that are specially designed for black women, check out FANCIVIVl. Our brand offers a wide range of braided wig styles and colors to choose from, so you can find the perfect wig that matches your skin tone and personal style. All of our braided wigs are made with premium materials and are easy to wear and maintain.